Project "SGP-GAPS"


"Keep calm and open access"


Experimental and numerical investigation of elastic gaps in strain gradient plasticity theories

Context and objectives

Pioneered by Aifantis (1984), strain gradient plasticity (SGP) has received a strong scientific interest in recent years and numerous SGP theories have been developed. These theories offer a very promising way to model the size-dependent behavior of materials at small scales. Including internal length scale(s), such theories are capable of accounting for the gradient of plastic deformations which correlate with size effects, as experimentally observed and numerically predicted using dislocation mechanics.

Despite their interesting features, application of SGP theories to real engineering problems is up to now very limited due to lack of maturity. Some major size effects numerically predicted by these theories have never been observed neither experimentally nor numerically using accurate small-scale approaches. In this context, almost all existing SGP theories including thermodynamically-consistent higher-order dissipation lead to elastic gaps under certain loading conditions (i.e., delay in plastic flow under infinitesimal loading change). More specifically, an infinitesimal change in the loading conditions may lead to a finite change in the generalized stresses, causing the interruption of the plastic flow until the mechanical state (evolving elastically) reaches a new yield point.

The phenomenon of elastic gaps represents a major source of confusion and uncertainty, preventing the development of robust SGP models capable of correctly predicting size-dependent behaviors of materials. In the absence of works studying these gaps from a physical point of view, the scientific investment on SGP theories has reached a bifurcation point making the community divided into those who consider elastic gaps as “unknown” size effects (then possibly physical) and those who see no physical reasons for their occurrence in reality (as they reflect an instantaneous finite change in the generalized stresses). Therefore, investigation of such gaps and their existence in reality is highly needed to clear up this ambiguity and to allow for uniting the scientific efforts on SGP theories in the right direction.

This is the goal of the present project which represents a logical continuation of the strong scientific effort performed up to now on the development of robust SGP theories. Particularly, this project aims at providing the compelling answer to the question "are elastic gaps physical?". For this purpose, a multi-disciplinary synergy will be created between original small-scale experiments, implying, for the first time, complex non-proportional loading conditions, and extensive discrete-dislocation-based simulations. To achieve its goals the project is divided into three tasks as detailed below.

Task 1: Small-scale experimental study of elastic gaps

A series of complex small-scale experiments will be carried out to experimentally study the existence of elastic gaps. The main novelty of this series is that non-proportional loading paths (a first loading in one direction within the plastic range followed by a second loading in another direction) will be examined for the first time at small scales. To this end, original experimental protocols, combining the capabilities of the micro- and macro-testing machines available at LEM3 laboratory, will be proposed to generate non-proportional tensile-bending conditions. To guarantee the development of plastic gradients during the tensile phase, which are thought to be at the origin of elastic gaps, special micro-samples with complex shapes and microstructures will be designed and used in the experimental tests.

Task 2: Small-scale numerical study of elastic gaps

To assist the experimental study in the interpretation of complex results, extensive discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) simulations will be carried out. The DDD approach intrinsically includes an internal length scale via the Burgers vector associated with the lines of dislocations. It can therefore naturally reproduce size effects and plastic gradients, in a way comparable to continuous small-scale modeling. Using advanced strain-hardening rules, this approach can accurately predict the small-scale behavior of metallic materials with relatively few modeling assumptions. This will be very helpful in understanding the physics governing size effects and their interaction with elastic gaps. DDD simulations will be performed using the advanced 3D codes TRIDIS and NUMODIS.

Task 3: Development of robust SGP models for industrial applications

Experimental and numerical results will allow the gathering of new insights into the physics governing size effects, particularly elastic gaps, in relation with small-scale plasticity of metallic materials. The third objective of the present project aims at drawing up a classification of the most used SGP theories in order to identify those allowing for a better prediction of such effects. The latter theories will be used as a basis to develop robust single- and poly-crystal SGP models having industrial maturity for complex engineering problems. The proposed models will be implemented within two research- and industry-oriented codes, namely Abaqus and Z-set codes, under both small and finite deformation formulations. Efficient implementation techniques adapted to these models will be proposed.


The present project is funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de Recherche)