Scientific production
Articles in peer-reviewed international journals
M. Jebahi, S. Forest, An alternative way to describe thermodynamically-consistent higher-order dissipation within strain gradient plasticity, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 170(2023), 105103.
Y. A. Amouzou-Adoun, M. Jebahi, S. Forest, M. Fivel, J. S. Lecomte, C. Schuman, F. Abed-Meraim, On elastic gaps in strain gradient plasticity: 3D discrete dislocation dynamics investigation, Acta Materialia, 252(2023), 118920.
D. V. Nguyen, M. Jebahi, V. Champaney, F. Chinesta, Identification of material parameters in low-data limit: application to gradient-enhanced continua, International Journal of Material Forming, 17(2024).
D. V. Nguyen, M. Jebahi, F. Chinesta, Spatio-temporal physics-informed neural networks to solve boundary value problems for classical and gradient-enhanced continua, Mechanics of Materials, 198(2024).
National conferences
Y. A. Amouzou-Adoun, M. Jebahi, S. Forest, M. Fivel, J. S. Lecomte, C. Schuman, F. Abed-Meraim, Investigation des effets de taille sous chargements complexes par la dynamique des dislocations discrètes en 3D, Colloque Plasticité 2023, Lyon, France, 3-5 Avril, 2023.
International conferences
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