"A passionate team for a challenging project"
Scientific coordinator
Dr. Mohamed JEBAHI
Associate Professor at Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology and LEM3 Laboratory
Funding management institution
Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology
Address: 151 Boulevard de l'Hôpital, 75013 Paris
Project partners
Laboratoire d’Études des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux
Address: 7 rue Félix Savart, 57073 Metz, France
Centre des Matériaux, Mines ParisTech, PSL University
Address: 63-65 rue Henri-Auguste Desbrueres, BP 87, 91003 Evry cedex, France
Laboratoire de Science et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés
Address: 1130, rue de la piscine, Domaine Universitaire, BP 75, 38402 Saint-Martin d'Hères, France
Project team
Dr. Mohamed JEBAHI (Associate Professor, Scientific coordinator)
Dr. Mohamed JEBAHI is working in the field of multi-scale modeling of the mechanical behavior of materials. During his PhD, he worked on the coupling between discrete (small-scale) and continuum (large-scale) approaches. Then, he focused on the modeling of small-scale effects using strain gradient (crystal) plasticity theories. Throughout the present project, he strives to provide an enhanced understanding of small-scale plasticity in relation with these theories.
Dr. Samuel FOREST (CNRS Research Director)
Dr. Samuel FOREST is working in the field of continuum modelling of the mechanical behavior of materials of structures. His work aims at introducing the physical aspects of deformation and fracture of materials into the framework of continuum mechanical modeling. He has actively participated in the recent developments of the mechanics of generalized continua, including strain gradient and micromorphic media. Since 2022, he is member of the Académie de Science, Sciences Mécaniques et Informatiques.
Visit his webpage:
Dr. Marc FIVEL (CNRS Research Director)
Dr Marc FIVEL is working in the field of multi-scale modeling of crystal plasticity. His main activity concerns discrete dislocation dynamics simulations with boundary conditions enforced by Finite Element calculations (see Recently he has been involved in modeling of material damage due to cavitation erosion in hydrodynamics devices such as turbines, pumps or propellers.
Visit his webpage :
Dr. Jean-Sébastien LECOMTE (CNRS Research Engineer, HDR)
Dr. Jean-Sébastien LECOMTE is a CNRS Research Engineer specialized in material science. His main activity concerns defects and deformation modes of hexagonal materials (Zn, Ti, Mg). He has a rare know-how applied to the characterization of small-scale structure materials (SEM, TEM, EBSD, EDX, Nano-indentation, Ultra-nano-indentation, AFM, etc.). He is responsible for the LEM3’s nanoindentation and electron microscopy platforms.
Dr. Christophe SCHUMAN (Associate Professor, HDR)
Dr. Christophe SCHUMAN is an associate Professor (HDR) at Lorraine University since 1998. He belongs to LEM3, IMPACTS department, since 2000. His research topic is the deformation mechanisms in HCP in relation with texture-microstructure-properties. He works on titanium alloy since 2002. He has more than 20 publications on HCP and has a large interaction with industrial partners such as Airbus, Specitubes, Aubert & Duval, Valeo (Al).
PhD Students
Mr. Yaovi Armand AMOUZOU-ADOUN
PhD subject: Experimental and numerical investigation of size effects in strain gradient plasticity
Doctoral school: SMI - Sciences des Métiers de l'Ingénieur n°432
Starting date: November 2021
Duration: 36 months
MS Students
MS Institution: UFR Sciences et Techniques - Bourgogne University
MS Specialty: Materials control and durability
MS Subject: Investigation of size effects in micro-sized Nickel specimens
MS internship period: March 2023 - August 2023
Miss Meriem ZEROUAL
MS Institution: UFR SCIFA - Lorraine University
MS Specialty: Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automatic
MS Subject: Electronic control of micro-testing machine for complex loading conditions
MS internship period: April 2022 - August 2022
Miss Meng SU
MS Institution: UFR MIM - Lorraine University
MS Specialty: Mechanical Engineering and Materials
MS Subject: Experimental study of the grain size effects on the elastic limit of Nickel micro-samples
MS internship period: February 2022 - August 2022
Mr. Mohammed MELKAOUI
MS Institution: UFR MIM - Lorraine University
MS Specialty: Mechanical Engineering and Materials
MS Subject: Design of micro-testing machine for complex loading conditions
MS internship period: May 2021 - October 2021
MS Institution: Paris Saclay University
MS Specialty: Mathematics and Fundamental Mechanics
MS Subject: Investigation of elastic gaps within strain gradient plasticity theories
MS internship period: March 2021 - August 2021
Miss Assala MSELMI
MS institution: Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology
MS specialty: Mechanics, Materials, Structures, and Processes
MS subject: DDD investigation of the mechanical behavior of FCC single-crystals under non-proportional loading paths
MS internship period: February 2021 – August 2021
Engineering Students
Miss Alizée VU DO
Institution: Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard
Specialty: Mechanics and ergonomics
Subject : Design of micro-testing machine for combined tension-bending loading conditions
MS internship period: September 2023 - January 2024
Miss Lauralys PENDARIES
Institutions: Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Specialty: Double degree ENSAM / KIT
Subject (BachelorArbeit project): Simulation of size effects within poly-crystal structures
Project period: October 2022 – May 2023